Primal Ultros Empyreum

Ward 6 Plot 32

8 PM - 12 AM EST

Within the Empyreum district of Ishgard lies a respite for weary adventurers, as well as those who wish to test each other in combat.

Regardless of your endeavor, may the Fury bless your every step.

Join us for our Valentione's Duel Night on February 7th.

    ❝ House Triedame? That rundown manor the old knight left in shambles for so many years?
    Yes, I’ve seen it as well. It seems to have been perfectly restored and opened as a tavern, of all things! And the patrons it draws, why, they’re often armed for combat!
    Whatever are they doing within those walls? ❞

    Regarding the timeline and setting for your out-of-character needs.

    The setting in which The Fury's Hallow takes place is in the wake of the Dawntrail expansion. Brief spoilers for general events occurring up through the end of that expansion may be referenced in prose. This will be adjusted upon the release of future expansions and continue to adapt the story of the venue as new content is released.

    At this time, the Holy See has relaxed the borders of Ishgard, encouraging adventurers and dragonkin alike to set foot inside the once exclusionary city-state. As House Triedame is a distant branch of House Haillenarte, the Proprietor seeks to aid in the efforts of the Restoration and Reformation alike, and as such, the purpose of The Fury's Hallow is to provide respite and sport for adventurers visiting from beyond the walls of Foundation. The doors of this tavern welcome all those who cross its threshold, whether they be acclaimed warriors from the Steppe looking to test their strength against new opponents, Woodwarders venturing into society for the first time since leaving their forest, or Garleans fleeing civil war and seeking new beginnings and second chances.

    Characters here, while not all hailing from Ishgard Herself, explore a variety of Ishgard-centric themes, including but not limited to clergy members navigating the Reformation of the Holy See; former dragoons finding their place in a post-Dragonsong War world; Temple Knights seeking a pint of ale; Ishgardian nobility curious about a new tavern opening in the streets of Empyreum and drawing adventurers from afar — the list goes on. Whether your character is Ishgardian or simply visiting Foundation, you are encouraged to join us within the blessed walls of The Fury's Hallow.

    History of House Triedame

    House Triedame had a longstanding legacy as a notable branch of House Haillenarte, renowned for their tradecraft of bookbinding for the Church, as well as their annual Starlight contributions made to the tills of Saint Reymanaud’s Cathedral. More important than the House’s success, though, was continuing that legacy, according to Lord Lareaux Triedame. He prided himself for having three sons and a daughter, all of whom would provide heirs to continue the family name. However, when it came time for Lord Lareaux to serve as a House Knight during the Dragonsong War, his three sons enlisted alongside him—and as a result, House Triedame would be faced with tragedy when the lord and his sons perished during their service. It was only his youngest daughter and sole remaining heir who would survive this assault of the Horde upon Ishgard, and thus, Ser Gwenaëlle Triedame assumed the ownership rights to the estate.Of course, having been a member of the Temple Knights for fifty summers at this point, Ser Gwenaëlle most certainly did not have time to manage an estate. She had little interest in taking care of the property, and given that she was often sent far away from Foundation, the manor steadily began to fall to ruin. Housekeeping staff would not be expected to remain if they weren’t paid, surely. In furtherance, with Ser Gwenaëlle focusing on matters outside the home, it would seem House Triedame would be left with no heirs, despite her late father’s hopes.As the years marched onwards, Ser Gwenaëlle continued to travel on behalf of Ser Aymeric as part of his private contingent, during which she had a myriad of adventures. These adventures included saving a young Gyr Abanian miqo’te from Garlean occupants. She eventually began to mentor the ambitious Keeper during her frequent trips to the region over the course of the next decade, as her contingent intended to keep Ser Aymeric informed of the situation in Ala Mhigo. The miqo’te was a promising lad, full of spitfire and stalwart determination to protect those around him. All good qualities to have; ‘twoud make for a good knight, certainly.With Ser Gwenaëlle absent, the manor continued to suffer the damage of the elements and wyrm attacks upon the citystate, falling into disrepair. Rumors arose: perhaps it was haunted; perhaps it was cursed; perhaps it had been abandoned; but regardless, how sad that the Lady Gwenaëlle had chosen to live her life as a Temple Knight and now, at the age of ninety-seven summers, she was simply too old for anyone to wed, leaving House Triedame’s legacy to ruin.

    It was during the Second Umbral Moon of 1569, almost seven summers before the decisive conclusion of the Dragonsong War, that Ser Gwenaëlle would fall in battle. Having no living relatives left within the line of House Triedame, her will mentioned only one individual: Shri’ke Vererkrya, the young miqo’te Ser Gwenaëlle had mentored for the last eight summers of her life. Knowing he, too, was a fourth child who had no true prospects if he were to stay with his tribe, the old knight had thought that perhaps he may find greater fulfillment if he followed the same path she had chosen for herself. Thus did the will extend an official recommendation for him to enlist in the Temple Knights, should he wish to pursue the dream her tutelage had instilled within him—as well as bequeathing the manor, though it now stood in ruin. It came with one final wish from Ser Gwenaëlle: “It was never of use to me, but perhaps you might be able to restore warmth and the laughter of family to its empty halls, should you wish to save this unfortunate house from an old woman’s negligence.”Shri’ke made his decision to accept both the recommendation to join the Temple Knights and the property rights to his mentor’s home—but the manor would continue to stand untouched while Shri’ke, now going by the name of Lanius, resided in the barracks alongside his fellow squires, continuing to do so once knighted. Summers passed, and the unattended manor was left vulnerable to the frigid descent of the Calamity, its rooms and halls exposed to the wind and the cold as Coerthas plunged into a permanent state of ice and snow. Shri’ke, far off in the Highlands, was unaware of the damage done to the estate: having been bestowed the rank of Commander of a search and rescue unit, his focus was on saving those caught in the sudden harsh conditions of the Calamity, not the hole in the manor’s roof, nor the tree that had come down in the front, crashing through a window.That damage was not to be repaired, for the next summer, Commander Lanius would disappear, thought to have been killed alongside the rest of his unit. For the next three years, the manor continued to decline, left as a frozen, dilapidated memory of House Triedame. There must have been some truth to the rumors: it was simply cursed.

    HALLOWto honor as holy; to consecrate; to consider sacred – to hallow a battlefield.
    For as the Fury has hallowed these walls, so too shall we fight in Her name.

    Some curses can be broken, though. Shri’ke would return after those three years, his rank restored and the manor still in his name, but with little idea of what to do with the latter. It was a house filled with faded memories of a family he had never known, other than their last surviving daughter. The thought of building it back from its ruins, especially alone, was daunting. Perhaps that was one of the myriad reasons why he was so quick to leave for another warfront when the Eorzean Alliance answered Bozja’s call for aid, and the dilapidated manor was made to wait for salvation once more.It would not wait for long. When Shri’ke returned from Bozja not a summer later, he was not alone: accompanied by an ally from the Southern Front who had no where else to go, the task of restoring the crumbling estate was not so intimidating—and following a dangerous leve mission Shri’ke led on behalf of the Order, they were joined by a man who would one day call Shri’ke his comrade and closest friend. Together, the three of them faced the task of restoring the estate.As they worked, Shri’ke found himself envisioning a purpose for these old halls: that the manor of House Triedame might serve the adventurers setting foot within Ishgard’s walls following the end of the Dragonsong War. Outsiders—like him, like Faerval, like Leon—who had come to Ishgard to find a home. A tavern, maybe, that could be a place of warmth for those seeking camaraderie, one that would also give them an opportunity to cross blades, as adventurers are wont to do.Shri’ke committed to the idea, and with it came hope that he would be able to fulfill his mentor’s final wish, for although he had never known Ser Gwenaëlle’s family, perhaps House Triedame would not be left without one for much longer.

    And thus, under sanction of the Temple Knights, the “unfortunate house” would reopen its doors as The Fury’s Hallow: a respite for adventurers, blessed by the watchful gaze of the Fury, where they may test their mettle and prove themselves—not only to one of the Twelve, but to each other.

    Estate Rooms

    All Free Company chambers have been designed as open, immersive roleplay spaces within House Triedame for guests to enjoy, both during opening hours and otherwise. You are welcome to use these spaces for roleplay and photography; the venue is always unlocked and welcome for visitors to explore, no rental fee required.

    »» — Commander's Office — ««

    ◈ Room I ◈

    What once served as the private lair of the former head of house (and his mentor's father), functioning as a center of business and social visits, has been repurposed into a central office for Shri'ke Lanius to oversee the operations of the Fury's Hallow. He's since transformed it into a space well-suited to his former position as a Commander within the Temple Knights—as well as one that pays homage to his late mentor's legacy.

    »» — The Infirmary — ««

    ◈ Room II ◈

    To better serve patrons, this wing of the manor has recently been renovated into an infirmary, which also includes the primary headquarters for the chirurgeon team, constructed to provide a place of succor for the combatants of the Fury's Hallow. Two independent beds are available for recovery, alongside access to a variety of alchemic, aetherical, and botanical treatments.

    »» — The Grand Library — ««

    ◈ Room III ◈

    An existing feature left intact from the original manor, the Grand Library houses a surplus of texts and other literature, both academic and otherwise. Many collections featuring various Ishgardian novelists, historians, playwrights, and poets can be found on the abundant, towering shelves, as well as a wide selection of Halonic doctrine, including a rare edition of the Seventy-Two Articles of Halonic Polity.

    »» — The Parlor — ««

    ◈ Room IV ◈

    Another relic of the original House Triedame manor, the sitting parlor remains relatively unchanged from days long since past, offering a place of quiet solitude and reprieve. One might retreat to this dim, comforting room to view the paintings of the gallery or explore a more curated selection of historical (and somewhat romantic) novellas that were once favored by the lord of the house.